Journal of Digital Sociohumanities en-US (Handoko) (Sry Sartika) Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 An Analysis of WhatsApp Interactions Among Youth: A Case of Language Attrition <p>This study delves into the intriguing world of language dynamics within the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp, focusing on how young people communicate. Through the course of its research, this study aims to uncover a fascinating phenomenon called ‘Language Attrition’ - a subtle transformation in the way languages are used in this digital space. On WhatsApp, users seamlessly blend their native languages with a more global one. This results in a unique linguistic landscape where expressions from different languages coexist, sometimes making it challenging to distinguish between them. With India being a multilingual nation, the study explores the potential loss or degradation of languages due to the leniency and carelessness of social media language. The paper employs a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative analysis of WhatsApp conversations with a digital questionnaire survey. The research investigates factors such as the prevalence of emoticons, code-switching, and multilingualism, shedding light on the multifaceted dimensions of language attrition. The research investigates factors such as the prevalence of emoticons, code-switching, and multilingualism, shedding light on the multifaceted dimensions of language attrition. The insights aim to prompt one to perceive language attrition not merely as an academic curiosity but as a catalyst for proactive measures.</p> Shubhra Shubhra, Devina Krishna Copyright (c) 2024 Shubhra Shubhra, Devina Krishna Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Assessing Translation of Humor in The English Subtitles of Goodbye Mr. Loser <p>Humor is primarily influenced by both the source and target language cultures, which poses significant challenges for translators. Given the continuous emergence of comedy movies, humor plays a crucial role in cultural expression. However, research on the assessment of translation quality of humor in movie subtitles in China remains limited. This study aims to categorize the translation techniques using Pedersen’s typology (2005, 2011) and assess the translation quality of the humorous content in the English subtitles of the Chinese comedy movie <em>Goodbye, Mr. Loser</em> (2015). <em>Goodbye, Mr. Loser</em> is one of the most successful comedy movies in China in recent years, selling 1.441 billion yuan at the box office and winning an award at the China New Era International Film Festival, while also gaining a lot of attention overseas. This study analyzes the accuracy of the English subtitles based on Newmark’s (1988) framework. In his model, Newmark (1988) assesses the accuracy by looking at the accurate reflection of the semantic, contextual, register and style of the ST in TT. Additionally, it adopts a questionnaire for non-Chinese speakers following Nababan, Nuraeni and Sumardiono’s (2012) approach to assess the acceptability and readability of the English subtitles. The significance of this study lies in its potential to enhance the quality of Chinese audiovisual products, reduce language barriers, foster effective cross-culture communication, and provide a valuable reference for the humor translation in Chinese comedy movies in the future.</p> Zheng Xiaorui, Amin Amirdabbaghian Copyright (c) 2024 Zheng Xiaorui, Amin Amirdabbaghian Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Digital Transformation of Public Services: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Services at the Local Government Level <p>This study examines the effectiveness of online services at the local level (District) Office which sees the existence of E-Gov encouraging the government to create good governance in providing information needs and transparency to the community. The renewal of public services in the reform era is the main focus of the government as an effort to realize good governance. The research method used is qualitative. This research uses the concept proposed by Pedrosa et al (2022) which uses eight indicators of the effectiveness of digital public services: ease of use, usefulness, simplicity, reliability, availability, understandable, consistent, and fast. The results showed that online-based services at the agency were effective in several aspects, such as trust and availability, but there were still shortcomings in the aspects of simplicity and consistency. Online services are considered easy to find through familiar channels and have a fast response, less than an hour. Nevertheless, the implementation of online service SOPs still needs to be improved. This study concludes that online services have become an attractive asset in the effort to transform the digitalization of public services.</p> Indra Nur Indar, Dien Fakhrur Razi, Lutfi Atmansyah, Andi Ahmad Yani, Nuralamsyah Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Indra Nur Indar, Dien Fakhrur Razi, Lutfi Atmansyah, Andi Ahmad Yani, Nuralamsyah Ismail Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFL Students' Challenges in Pronouncing Inflectional Suffixes: A Case Study of Socotri Students of English <p>&nbsp;This study aims to measure the proficiency level of Socotri EFL students in pronunciation of inflectional suffixes, /d/ and /s/. Quantitative data were collected through a test from a group of 24 English language students from the first and second levels at the College of Education, Humanities and Applied Sciences in Socotra. The results of the study showed that the students scored accepted in the pronunciation test with 61.92%. Results also showed that Socotri students suffer from difficulty in pronunciation, especially in the suffix /d/ more than /s/. The study also found differences in students' scoring in the tests in which male students scored (M=23.37) higher than female students (M=20.12) and second level (M=23.72) scored higher than first level (M=21.07), but they were not significant. The study recommends EFL teachers to focus on the practical aspect rather than the theoretical aspect while teaching pronunciation and speaking and listening skills. We also recommend choosing teachers who are fluent in English language teaching.</p> Sina Bin Hamdeen, Fatima Al-Rajdhi, Amna Bin Majid, Asmaa Al-Jerbhi, Latifa Al-Rajdhi Copyright (c) 2024 Sina Bin Hamdeen, Fatima Al-Rajdhi, Amna Bin Majid, Asmaa Al-Jerbhi, Latifa Al-Rajdhi Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Virtual Reality in Samarkand’s Silk Road Museums <p>This study explores the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to extend the reach of museum exhibitions in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, by developing virtual exhibits through collaboration between Lublin University of Technology and local museums. The study involved creating a virtual exhibition of 3D-scanned artefacts from three Samarkand museums. An exploratory survey was conducted with museum professionals and Generation Z individuals to assess VR’s complementary role to traditional exhibitions. Findings. The survey revealed broad acceptance of VR as a supplementary tool, with 79% of professionals endorsing it. Generation Z participants showed high engagement, with VR enhancing their interest in traditional visits. VR technologies significantly improve access to Silk Road heritage, providing an immersive, interactive experience that traditional methods cannot offer alone. The findings underscore VR’s potential to attract diverse audiences, particularly tech-savvy younger generations. Integrating VR into museum exhibitions can enhance cultural heritage dissemination, support educational initiatives, and foster a greater global appreciation for Silk Road artifacts. Future research should explore long-term impacts on visitor behavior and museum attendance.</p> Toshniyozova Marjona Ikrom Kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Toshniyozova Marjona Ikrom Kizi Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Defining the Rules of Engagement: Legal and Ethical Standards in Cyber Conflict <p>In an increasingly digitized world, cyber conflicts are emerging as a critical domain of modern warfare and international relations. This paper examines the legal and ethical standards that govern cyber conflict, aiming to define clear rules of engagement. Through a detailed analysis of current international laws, national legislation, and ethical theories relevant to cyber operations, this research identifies gaps and challenges in the existing frameworks. Case studies of notable cyber incidents illustrate the practical implications of these legal and ethical standards. The study proposes a set of refined rules of engagement designed to address these deficiencies, ensuring ma ore coherent and consistent application of legal and ethical principles in cyber conflict. The findings suggest that while international consensus and cooperation are crucial, there is also a need for dynamic and adaptable rules that can keep pace with rapid technological advancements. This paper contributes to the growing discourse on cyber conflict by providing a comprehensive understanding of the legal and ethical dimensions and offering actionable recommendations for policymakers, legal experts, and cybersecurity practitioners.</p> Zaza Tsotniashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Zaza Tsotniashvili Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700