The Journal of Digital Sociohumanities is a pioneering interdisciplinary publication dedicated to advancing research at the intersection of digital technologies and sociohumanistic disciplines in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This esteemed platform not only facilitates critical discussions but also delves into the profound impact of digital technologies on the social and humanities experience. Our mission is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between the digital realm and various aspects of human society, culture, and behavior, contributing to the broader goals of sustainability, inclusivity, and ethical innovation outlined in the SDGs. As a rigorously peer-reviewed journal, we are steadfast in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence. Every submission, whether it be research papers, case studies, theoretical reviews, or book reviews, undergoes a meticulous evaluation by leading experts, ensuring that only the most groundbreaking and robust research graces our pages.

  • Computer Science (General): ASJC Code: 1700
  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous): ASJC Code: 3300
  • Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): ASJC Code: 1200
  • ASJC Code: 3310 - Linguistics and Language
  • Cultural Studies: ASJC Code: 3314
  • Communication: ASJC Code: 3319

As we navigate the digital frontier, the Journal of Digital Sociohumanities remains committed to advancing knowledge that not only expands the boundaries of digital humanities and social science but also contributes meaningfully to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Join us in the exploration of transformative ideas that pave the way for a more sustainable, inclusive, and just global society.


The Journal of Digital Sociohumanities is a forward-thinking interdisciplinary platform dedicated to exploring the intricate connections between digital technologies and various sociohumanistic domains. Our primary focus is on investigating the transformative impact of the digital era across a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to digital culture and society, communication and media, education and learning, ethics and privacy, arts and humanities, health and well-being, law and governance, business, and philosophy. We are committed to shedding light on the multifaceted implications of digitalization, addressing both challenges and opportunities within these domains. Through our inclusive approach, we encourage researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute high-quality, original research articles, reviews, and critical discussions that deepen our understanding of the dynamic interplay between digital technologies and the complex fabric of human society. Embracing an open-access policy, we aim to disseminate knowledge globally, fostering collaboration and innovation while providing authors the freedom to share their work and contribute to the broader intellectual discourse. The journal takes pride in its commitment to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and the principles of open access, contributing to the advancement of digital sociohumanities on a global scale.

Our focus encompasses a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Digital Culture and Society:
  • Digital Communication and Media
  • Digital Education and Learning
  • Digital Ethics and Privacy
  • Digital Arts and Humanities
  • Digital Health and Well-being
  • Digital Law and Governance
  • Digital Business
  • Digital Philosophy

Detail Focus and Scope

Papers which are submitted to Journal of Digital Sociohumanities is an open access journal, the author will be charged Article Processing Charge (APC) if it is ACCEPTED for publication.

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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-07-09

An Analysis of WhatsApp Interactions Among Youth: A Case of Language Attrition

Pages : 63-74

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Assessing Translation of Humor in The English Subtitles of Goodbye Mr. Loser

Pages : 75-91

PDF  This article have been read 94 times,  downloaded 44 times

Digital Transformation of Public Services: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Services at the Local Government Level

Pages : 92-101

PDF  This article have been read 96 times,  downloaded 82 times

EFL Students' Challenges in Pronouncing Inflectional Suffixes: A Case Study of Socotri Students of English

Pages : 102-110

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Virtual Reality in Samarkand’s Silk Road Museums

Pages : 111-118

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Defining the Rules of Engagement: Legal and Ethical Standards in Cyber Conflict

Pages : 119-132

PDF  This article have been read 69 times,  downloaded 45 times
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