Published: 2024-07-09

An Analysis of WhatsApp Interactions Among Youth: A Case of Language Attrition

Pages : 63-74

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Assessing Translation of Humor in The English Subtitles of Goodbye Mr. Loser

Pages : 75-91

PDF  This article have been read 94 times,  downloaded 44 times

Digital Transformation of Public Services: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Services at the Local Government Level

Pages : 92-101

PDF  This article have been read 96 times,  downloaded 82 times

EFL Students' Challenges in Pronouncing Inflectional Suffixes: A Case Study of Socotri Students of English

Pages : 102-110

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Virtual Reality in Samarkand’s Silk Road Museums

Pages : 111-118

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Defining the Rules of Engagement: Legal and Ethical Standards in Cyber Conflict

Pages : 119-132

PDF  This article have been read 69 times,  downloaded 45 times