Published: 2024-02-08

Beliefs on Second Language Learning among Pre-service Teachers in a Public University in Malaysia

Pages : 1-11

PDF  This article have been read 163 times,  downloaded 146 times

Soft Skills for Employment in Morocco: A Value Over or Equal to the Technical Know-how?

Pages : 12-23

PDF  This article have been read 148 times,  downloaded 230 times

Un-Tainting Ars Erotica: The Orient’s Perspective

Pages : 24-31

PDF  This article have been read 102 times,  downloaded 70 times

Unveiling the Vibrant Tapestry: Brazilian Female Voices in Visual Poetry on Instagram

Pages : 32-42

PDF  This article have been read 86 times,  downloaded 89 times

Technology, Transparency, and Accountability: The Case of Smart Auditing in Makassar

Pages : 53-62

PDF  This article have been read 90 times,  downloaded 113 times